WELCOME TO OUR ECS REGISTRATION PAGEECS programs provide high-quality experiences at an affordable rate. Enrichment offers academic, physical, creative, and play-based activities that are taught primarily by CCUSD highly qualified certified educators and coaches, and quality contracted vendors. Our Kid’s Club and Preschool programs are licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services and require quality control protocols and procedures as regulatory mandates. To create an Eleyo account required to register for any ECS program, please click HERE for instructions. *Important pRESCHOOL Information* PRESCHOOL IS NOW ENROLLING FOR THE 2024/2025 SCHOOL YEARREGISTRATION LINKS ARE BELOWCONTACT INFORMATION FOR ANY QUESTIONS:Jim Grosso - Manager IIjgrosso@ccusd93.net EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAMS EnrichmentGrades K-Adults Fall, Spring, and Summer ActivitiesBefore and after school, and summer programs include sports, academic support, visual and performing arts, STEM, chess, world language, health/wellness, and more. Explore the options through the links below. Classes are added throughout the year, so check back often for new and exciting opportunities. 2024-2025 School YearEnrichment for All Ages.2024 Summer Enrichment for All Ages. Preschool School Year Program & Summer Preschool and Kinder PrepOur goal at Cave Creek Preschools is to prepare your child for the rigor of Kindergarten instruction. We have programs for ages 3-5. Preschool Request EnrollmentRegister / Make Payment Account ManagementClick HERE for Document RequirementsClick HERE for Rates Kid's Club Before & After School Programs, Fall & Spring Break Camps and Summer CampWe offer a variety of quality childcare programs for children ages 3-12 to meet the needs of families throughout the year. Before / After School Program 2024-2025 Click HERE for Document Requirements Click HERE for Rates Bouncing Into Spring March 10, 11 ,12, 13, 14 $200 weekHorseshoe TrailsRegistration Available Now Register / Make Payment Account Management ACCOUNT MANAGEMENTFrom your account dashboard you canCheck your invoicesCheck account balancesMake paymentsPrint receipts and child care tax statementsRequest schedule changesView and manage current and upcoming enrollmentsSaved Payment Methods click HEREManage your account from any device, including your smartphone or tablet. Your Account Dashboard GET IN TOUCH ECS Office/District Office Campus33016 North 60th Street, Scottsdale AZ 85266Mailing Address: PO Box 426, Cave Creek AZ 85327Main Phone: (480) 575-2440Office School Year Hours: M-F, 7:30AM-4:00PMOffice Summer Hours: M-TH, 7:00AM-5:00PMPreschool or Kid's Club:Jim Grosso - Manager IIjgrosso@ccusd93.net orKristhal Munoz - Program Assistant kmunoz@ccusd93.netEnrichment:Elaine Vallario - Managerevallario@ccusd93.net BookkeeperLisa Broussardlbroussard@ccusd93.net Do you have questions about ECS Programs or the registration process? Please contact any of the ECS staff members listed above, or click HERE for our FAQs.