At CCUSD Preschool, we provide a positive, nurturing, environment that meets the needs of young children and their families.
Enrichment classes, camps and workshops are available throughout the school year before and after school.
"Kid's Club is a creative, active and safe place for children before and after school"
Before registering online, students must receive a completed ECS Edgenuity Course Approval Form from their CSHS Counselor. (Please read the essential registration instructions and course protocols below before registering.) Coursework and quizzes can be completed at home, but ALL Prescriptive Tests, Unit Tests, and Final Exams must be supervised in the Edgenuity Computer Lab at Cactus Shadows High School. If your child cannot take these tests/exams in person, please discuss alternative online programs with your student’s counselor.
Students may complete one course per quarter session. Students earn a half credit for each course completed. This is equivalent to one semester during the school year. ALL coursework, quizzes, unit tests, and the final exam must be completed by the last day of the session they are enrolled (December 5 for the Second Quarter Session, March 4 for the Third Quarter Session, and March 17-21 for the Fourth Quarter Session) to receive credit for the course. Incomplete courses, for any reason, will be recorded as an “F” on the student’s transcript. Students may finish early.
Students must begin their assigned course by completing their Prescriptive Test within the stated dates per session (October 7-11 for the Second Quarter Session, January 6-10 for the Third Quarter Session, and March 17-21 for the Fourth Quarter Session) or the course will be dropped, and a refund will be issued. If a student does not finish a course by the last date of its assigned session, regardless of their start date, an “F” will be recorded on the student’s transcript.
Refunds are only permitted before the Prescriptive Test is completed. Once the Prescriptive Test is taken, refunds are not issued.
A student can bypass only two tests at a time. All bypass requests must be emailed to your assigned facilitator prior to or during the open lab hours to be addressed during lab hours. Requests emailed after open lab hours will be viewed on the next open lab date. If a student needs a bypass to continue working over the weekend, the request must be emailed before 3:15 PM on the Thursday before the weekend. The lab is open Monday-Thursdays during the session dates, unless it is a date that school is not in session.
ECS/CSHS is not responsible for any interruption to course access from personal devices. If a student is having trouble logging in or accessing the content of the assigned course, the student is responsible for coming into the computer lab during lab hours to receive assistance until the access is restored from a personal device.