At CCUSD Preschool, we provide a positive, nurturing, environment that meets the needs of young children and their families.
Enrichment classes, camps and workshops are available throughout the school year before and after school.
"Kid's Club is a creative, active and safe place for children before and after school"
We are excited to offer the amazing musical experience of the Elementary Choir at Lone Mountain Elementary School! Choir is open to all 3rd through 6th grade students. No audition is required. Elementary choir builds on skills introduced in your child's general music classroom as well as team work. New skills include the expansion of the musical concepts of rhythm, melody, and harmony. Our team of students will focus on fine tuning their vocal and auditory skills through vocal exercises, part singing, and other harmonic singing experiences.
Participation Policy Students MUST attend rehearsal regularly
Students MUST attend rehearsal regularly.
Students are permitted 3 absences. Please notify Mrs. Clark with an email, text, or written excuse for absences.
Frequent tardiness to Choir rehearsal can result in dismissal from the club (late by 10 minutes- 4 or more times)
Students are expected to be on their best behavior. Any violations of the school or classroom rules may result in dismissal.
There will be an additional rehearsal on March 18, to make up for the one missed during Spring Break.
All performances are mandatory. The One Voice Concert (off site) will be Monday, April 21. Parents are responsible for transportation to the site. Details will be provided at a later time.
Students are required to wear their uniform (performance shirt from the 2024 Fall LMES Choir session, and black pants) to all performances unless otherwise noted. If your child is new to the LMES Choir program, needs a replacement, or simply want another choir t-shirt, here is a separate link to order the LMES Choir shirt.
Students are expected to participate to the best of their ability and learn their assigned musical parts. Practice materials will be digitally distributed to parents/ students.
Siblings may not attend rehearsal if they are not a member of the Choir.
Contact Mrs. Clark with any questions:
Katie Clark
No Class Mar 13
Online registration is over